Cohesive Consultancy

Soft and Hard Opening Management

Soft openings

Our Soft Opening Strategies are a meticulous approach to testing operations before the official launch. This discreet phase allows for a controlled environment to gather valuable feedback and make necessary adjustments.

The key components include:

Operational Testing

Controlled Environment

Implementing a controlled soft opening environment to thoroughly test all operational aspects, from service delivery to logistics.

Feedback Mechanism

Establishing an effective feedback mechanism to collect insights from guests, allowing for real-time adjustments based on their experiences.

Adjustment Iterations

Real-time Adaptations

Making agile adjustments to operations based on the feedback received during the soft opening phase, ensuring a refined and seamless experience for future guests.

Staff Training Refinement

Fine-tuning staff training based on practical insights gathered during the soft opening, addressing any operational challenges encountered.

Guest Experience Enhancement

Focus on Guest Satisfaction

Prioritizing guest satisfaction during the soft opening to set the foundation for a positive reputation when the hotel is officially launched.

Building Loyalty

Identifying opportunities to enhance guest loyalty by addressing concerns and exceeding expectations during the soft opening.

Hard Openings

Our Hard Opening Events service is dedicated to managing the grand opening with precision and sophistication. From promotional activities to media relations, every detail is meticulously orchestrated to ensure a successful launch.

Key components include:

Promotional Activities

Strategic Promotions

Designing and implementing strategic promotional activities to create anticipation and generate excitement around the grand opening.

Targeted Marketing

Leveraging targeted marketing channels to reach specific demographics and maximize visibility leading up to the hard opening.

Media Relations

Press Engagement

Managing press relations and engagement to secure media coverage and enhance the visibility of the hard opening event.

Media Partnerships

Establishing partnerships with key media outlets to amplify the reach and impact of the grand opening.

Operational Fine-tuning

Logistical Coordination

Ensuring all operational aspects are finely tuned for a seamless grand opening event, including coordination with vendors, staff, and other stakeholders.

Guest Services Optimization

Implementing strategies to optimize guest services during the hard opening, creating a positive and memorable experience.

Post-Launch Evaluation
Continuous Improvement for Sustained Success

Our Post-Launch Evaluation service focuses on a thorough assessment of guest feedback, operational efficiency, and financial performance post-opening. The objective is to provide recommendations for continuous improvement and sustained success.

Key components include:

Guest Feedback Analysis

Comprehensive Analysis

Conducting a detailed analysis of guest feedback gathered during the soft and hard openings to identify patterns and areas for improvement.

Actionable Insights

Extracting actionable insights from guest feedback to implement changes that positively impact the overall guest experience.

Operational Efficiency Review

Performance Metrics Analysis

Evaluating key operational performance metrics to identify areas of efficiency and potential optimization.

SOP Refinement

Recommending refinements to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) based on practical experiences post-opening.

Financial Performance Assessment

Financial Health Analysis

Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the hotel's financial performance post-opening, comparing projections to actual results.

Budgetary Adjustments

Providing recommendations for budgetary adjustments and financial strategies to optimize profitability.

Our Post-Launch Evaluation service is not just a retrospective analysis but a forward-looking initiative, laying the groundwork for continuous improvement and sustained success in the dynamic landscape of the hospitality industry.

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